At OLG TV, kids get filmed for a scene or two and play in between filming either outside or in the gym. Having fun, getting some exercise and making new friends are big parts of this club. Kids are the ones doing the filming, similar to the 90s show, “Kid Songs.” OLG TV functions as an extension of our STREAM curriculum.
S: Students may research, script write and act out a Wellness Tip Skit centered around health/nutriti
T: They film using technologic
R: OLG TV Features religious sayings, verses, prayers and biblical information. Students are encouraged at the club and through the videos to attend mass.
E: Videos feature many things students built with their hands.
A: Students do drawings to be included on OLG TV, like a picture for a weather report or a drawing about kindness. Theatrical art is part of this too!
M: From writing numbers for a weather report slide and counting out supplies or treats to distribute, to simply saying “You’re on in 3, 2, 1,” while filming, is math. Being our “time keeper” is math. Filming a “30 second” skit, as asked, is math. Understanding how many minutes the camera memory card can film for or how many more minutes the battery will last for is math. Math is everywhere!
Check out one of our episodes!
OLG TV Episode