This Sunday’s Gospel passage is all of our vocation story. Jesus tells Simon Peter, the fisherman, after his tremendous haul of fish, you will now be catching men. All of us are called to bring others to Christ through the way we live our lives. Let us like Simon Peter no longer catch fish, but men by the convincing actions in our lives!
And now for some housekeeping:
Our 7th Grade Students are presenting their projects encouraging awareness for Water for South Sudan. Their presentations are in the gym at 10:00am on February 14th. All are welcome to join. State Representative Joe Hogan, State Senator Frank Farry, and Penndel Mayor Tom Sodano will join as guest judges. Please find the attached press release.
Here is the latest edition of Feature Friday from Ms. Sozio.
Here is the latest Gator Gossip episode produced by the OLG Podcast Club. To listen, click on your purple Podcast app and search for Gator Gossip right in the Apple Podcast Store! Enjoy!
We have a Valentine's Day-themed Baby Gators on Wednesday, February 12th at 1:00pm. Please spread the word to parents of families with children aged two to four!
Any parent who attended our Home and School Meeting earned a dress-down day for Thursday, February 13th.
We will have a free-will dress down on Monday, February 10th to benefit 7th Grade's fundraising effort for Water for Sudan. They recently read a novel that addresses access to clean drinking water in South Sudan. They hope to raise funds to benefit this organization. The minimum to dress down is $1. You may also donate here.
Toggle on 'Dedicate this donation'
In the Dedicatee's Name line, please put Our Lady of Grace - Penndel
Our 8th Grade student, Zach, will compete in the Archdiocesan Religion Bee on Wednesday, February 12th. Please wish him good luck! I will be off-campus in the morning with him.
Please contact the office or Mrs. McCrossan with any immediate questions.
Please text 2156503104 as an emergency notification number to OLG. This should be used if a pick-up plan changes after 2:00. Please only use this number if a last minute call to the office is not answered.
There are four dismissal lines, and each of those lines dismiss at 2:48 with the line closest to the cafeteria. I ask that you do your best to evenly fill up the four dismissal lines. The first line cannot spill onto Hulmeville Avenue and block traffic. It only slows down the dismissal process when cars all file into the first line, as opposed to evenly across all four.
I have 'Proud Home of an OLG Family' lawn signs. Please come to the office if you'd like one.
If you would like to volunteer to be a lunch mom, please reach out to Mr. Harper. You can sign-up to do one day a week or all five if your schedule allows. Please share this with grandmothers, too!
Please make sure to follow the flow of traffic during the morning carline. Please do not drop off your students on the opposite site of Woodland Avenue for everyone's safety. Also, make sure to pull-up as far as possible so the line does not back-up.
Every year, the Phillies recognize 10 teachers who are making a difference. The nomination period runs from February 10 – March 17. We have AWESOME teachers in our school. Please nominate them using this link.
Home and School is selling Kindness Grams that will be delivered on February 14th. The attachment has the order form and they are due by February 10th.
Please find the attached flyer for the HSA Trivia Night on March 29
We're attempting to offer two classes for preschool to 3rd after-school: Space Academy and Superhero Club. Please fill out the attachments by February 14th and mail them in.
Save the date for OLG’s Vacation Bible School which will run from July 28th-July 31st and is open to students age four-ten.
We’ll be marching in the Bucks County St. Patrick's Day Parade on Saturday, March 15th, and we would love you to join us! Keep an eye out for more details coming soon. Let’s march, celebrate, and spread the OLG spirit together!